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Before and After – Market Aiming (A.K.A “Target Market”) – CBeckermann Design Shop | Web Design and Graphic Design Services

Before and After – Market Aiming (A.K.A “Target Market”)

Home / Web Design / Before and After – Market Aiming (A.K.A “Target Market”)

So I was contracted to do a website overhaul of Market Aming or as some of you might recall “Target Market”.  This was no easy task because the content was very unclear and the messaging poor to say the least.  Basically, when you went to the website you had no idea what the company did! With that said, the client was able to provide me with new content that better outlined the companies fundamental services, which helped a lot because it was able to provide me with some type of vision before my pencil hit the paper.

My first goal was to take a stab at the logo. The old logo was much too generic, and though it clearly defined a “target” which is technically suitable imagery for Aim, I decided to go a different route. I looked at it more from companies going to Market Aiming to increase  market share in there specified vertical.  From that I thought a pie chart was a great example of this notion soI created my logo based on that imagery.

Once the logo was approved, I used the new brand and content that was provided to design a website that was clean, refreshing and easy to navigate. Even though the site itself is not content heavy, on the services page, I organized the content into tabs so that I wasn’t creating unnecessary pages for small content.

Anyways, here is the before and after. Hope you enjoy it!


After (you can see the demo site at